(Professional) (Amateur)
Good motorcycle riding gear is not just for the racetrack. Wearing protective gear on the street separates the pros from the amateurs.
The pros wear protective gear because it looks great and can prevent injuries in a crash. Give yourself the same advantage on the street.
Gearing up can also prevent crashes by keeping you comfortable, alert and focused on the road. Conditions such as poor weather, blinding sun, darkness and heavy traffic can make motorcycling very risky. The right gear will protect you from the elements and make you more visible to other drivers.
Good riding gear can be expensive, but decent equipment can be found at a reasonable price. Protective gear can also save you money on medical bills if you do crash. Buy the best gear you can afford.
To ride like a pro, dress like a pro. Think. Ride Smart.
Protect Your Eyes
Face Shield, Safety Glasses or Goggles
A clear view of your environment is critical to safe riding. Many hazards, including wind, rain, insects, and blowing sand and dirt, can impair your vision and increase your risk of crashing. That’s why pro riders use glasses, goggles, and helmets equipped with face shields to protect their eyes.
Eye protection comes in various styles, so choose equipment that you enjoy wearing. Select protective eyewear that is clear or has a yellow tint. Other tints can impair night vision.
Eyewear should be cleaned with soap, water, and a cloth or sponge before every ride. Avoid products such as paper towels, tissues, and napkins, which can scratch plastic lenses.
Your eyes are your best source of information. Think. Ride Smart.
Protect Your Head
Use your head when you ride. Motorcycling may seem like a physical sport, but in reality, your safety depends on making good decisions — such as protecting your head with a helmet. Wearing a helmet will help ensure that you enjoy a lifetime of riding.
There are two general types of helmets: full coverage and partial coverage. A full-coverage helmet will protect your entire face. But if you enjoy a feeling of freedom and the wind on your face, you may prefer a partial-coverage helmet.
If you believe helmets are uncomfortable, you probably have not tried one that fits properly. Helmets that fit correctly are comfortable and will not distract you from the road or riding. It is important to find a helmet brand and size that is comfortable and fits snugly.
A helmet can also make you more visible. Choose a color that stands out in traffic. Helmets last from three to five years or for one impact. If a helmet is dropped or involved in a crash, it should be replaced.
Use your head. Think. Ride Smart.
Protect Your Body
Riding Suit
Wearing a motorcycle jacket or full riding suit reduces your risk of being injured and reduces the severity of any injuries. Good protection insulates you from heat, cold, rain, and flying debris. This increases your comfort and allows you to concentrate on riding, which means you are less likely to be involved in a crash.
Body protection comes in one-piece suits or jacket and pants combinations. Look for protective gear that has armored impact areas in the elbows, knees, shoulders, hips, and back.
Leather riding suits provide the best protection in a crash. Although expensive, leather can withstand multiple crashes before needing to be repaired or replaced, but it does not hold up well in the rain. Gear made from synthetic materials, such as durable plastic and nylon fabrics, provide all-weather protection, but may need to be repaired or replaced after one crash. To see how a good suit perfoms in a crash.
It is critical for motorcyclists to be highly visible. Wearing brightly colored protective gear improves your chances of being seen in traffic.
Dress for the slide, not the ride. Think. Ride Smart.
Protect Your Hands and Feet
Gloves and Boots
Hand and foot injuries are very common in motorcycle crashes. A rider’s hands are often the first body part make contact with the ground. In a crash, injuries to the feet and ankles are often caused by the motorcycle itself. Pro riders consider gloves and boots essential.
Heavy-duty gloves that fasten securely at the wrists will protect your hands and help you maintain a good grip on the controls. Leather motorcycle gloves offer the best fit, design, and protection.
Look for motorcycle boots that are reinforced and protect the toes, ankles and shins. Your boots should provide good support and be free of dangling laces.
You need your hands and feet to control the bike. Think. Ride Smart.
Extra Credit
Rain Gear
Depending on the gear you wear, it may be good to carry a rain suit with you. Spend a few extra dollars to keep yourself dry and protect your investment.
If you are caught in a rainstorm, you will understand the value of a waterproof suit, glove and boot covers. A rain suit will protect your gear from water damage and keep you from getting soaked. Rain suits also provide superior wind protection.
Stay dry. Think. Ride Smart.
Total Body Protection
No matter how expensive or customized your motorcycle, riding without protective gear will make you look like an amateur.
Good gear is an investment that is worth every penny. Wearing protective gear will reduce severity of injuries in a crash, keep you comfortable and visible — and allow you to ride for longer periods. Get the best gear you can afford.
Stand out from the crowd. Ride like a pro. Think. Ride Smart.